:popLA.bat [parameter: specimen] 19oct93,19jul94,17apr,17oct95UFK LA-CC-89-18 @echo off echo ÿ echo popLA: preferred orientation package - Los Alamos echo ÿ echo U.F. Kocks, J.S. Kallend, H.R. Wenk, A.D. Rollett, S.I. Wright echo ÿ echo (Version October 1995) echo ÿ echo ÿ echo (C)Copyright 1989, The Regents of the University of California and echo John S. Kallend. Major parts of this software were produced under U. S. echo Government contract (W-7405-ENG-36) by Los Alamos National Laboratory, echo which is operated by the University of California for the U. S. echo Department of Energy. echo The U. S. Government is licensed to use, reproduce, and distribute echo this software. Permission is granted to the public to copy and use echo this software without charge, provided that this Notice and the above echo statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies. echo Neither the Government nor the University nor John S. Kallend makes any echo warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility echo for the use of this software. echo GTDA echo *********************************************************************** echo ÿ pause :************************************************************************** :NOTE: you need ANSWER.COM. If you want to edit, may need NUL char's! : If you don't have dir.COM, replace all dir by dir. : If you don't have LIST.COM, delete lines 49,50. : If you have no printer connected, see lines 269,270. : Choose line 424 or 426 depend.on whether you're using 386 version of WIMV : (For house version, edit P.BAT) :m echo off cls echo ÿ echo popLA: preferred orientation package - Los Alamos (Page 1) echo ÿ echo U.F. Kocks, J.S. Kallend, H.R. Wenk, A.D. Rollett, S.I. Wright (Oct.1995) echo ÿ echo ÿ echo 0. QUIT echo ÿ echo 1. Get specimen DIRECTORY and VIEW a file echo ÿ echo 2. MASSAGE data files: correct,rotate,tilt,symmetrize,smooth,compare echo ÿ echo 3. WIMV: make spec.SOD; calculate PFs and inverse PFs; make matrices echo ÿ echo 4. HARMONIC analysis: COMPLETE rim (.FUL), get Roe Coeff.file (.HCF) echo ÿ echo 5. CONVERSIONS, permutations, transformations, paring echo ÿ echo 6. DISPLAYS and plots echo ÿ echo 7. Derive PROPERTIES from .SOD or .HCF files, make WEIGHTS file for simul. echo ÿ echo 8. DOS (temporary: type EXIT to return) echo ÿ answer "Please type a number from 0 to 8 --> ",123456780 if errorlevel 9 goto quit if errorlevel 8 goto dos if errorlevel 7 goto page7 if errorlevel 6 goto page6 if errorlevel 5 goto page5 if errorlevel 4 goto page4 if errorlevel 3 goto page3 if errorlevel 2 goto page2 if errorlevel 1 goto list goto quit :dos cls tmpdos goto m :list cls dir %1.* /w /o:n echo For viewing: list goto m :page2 cls echo MASSAGE DATA FILES (mostly PFs) (popLA page 2) echo ÿ echo 0. Quit echo ÿ echo 1. Return to Page 1 echo ÿ echo 2. Make THEORETICAL defocussing & background file: .DFB (R. Bolmaro) echo ÿ echo 3. DIGEST Raw Data (.RAW), with exper.or theor. .DFB: make .EPF echo ÿ echo 4. ROTATE PFs or adjust for grid offsets: make .RPF or .JWC echo ÿ echo 5. TILT PFs around right axis: make .TPF (T. Ozturk) echo ÿ echo 6. SYMMETRIZE PFs: make .QPF or .SPF or .FPF echo ÿ echo 7. EXPAND PFs back to full circle (needed for WIMV & harm.): .FPF echo ÿ echo 8. SMOOTH PFs or ODs with Gaussian Filter (quad, semi, or full): make .MPF echo ÿ echo 9. Take DIFFERENCE between 2 files (PFs or ODs): make .DIF echo ÿ answer " Please type a number from 0 to 9 ==> ",1234567890 CLS if errorlevel 10 goto quit if errorlevel 9 goto diff if errorlevel 8 goto smooth if errorlevel 7 goto q4 if errorlevel 6 goto sym if errorlevel 5 goto tilt if errorlevel 4 goto rot if errorlevel 3 goto digest if errorlevel 2 goto theo if errorlevel 1 goto m goto quit :page3 cls echo WIMV Analysis (popLA page 3) echo ÿ echo 0. Quit echo 1. Return to Page 1 echo ÿ echo WIMV: make .SOD and recalc. pole figures .WPF -- for: echo 2. cubic, tetra-,hexagonal crystals; sample diad: up to 3 PFs, 13 poles echo 3. trigonal cry.,gen'l.sample sym.,or higher: up to 7 PFs, 25 poles echo 4. orthorhombic crystals; sample Z-diad: up to 7 PFs, 25 poles echo **or: orthorh./gen'l./7/25 **requires 386, DOS 5, and 4MB memory** echo ÿ echo Recalculate POLE FIGURES (even non-measured ones): make .APF - echo 5. using .WIM matrix for the desired PFs (up to 3, 13 poles) echo 6. using .BWM or .WM3 matrix for the desired PFs (up to 7, 25 poles) echo ÿ echo 7. Calculate INVERSE pole figures from .SOD: .WIP echo (So far assumes tetragonal crystal symmetry) echo ÿ echo 8. Make WIMV pointer matrix for new crystal structure and set of PFs echo ÿ echo 9. Make WIMV pointer matrix for any INVERSE pole figures: make .WMI echo ÿ answer "Please type a number from 0 to 9 --> ",1234567890 CLS if errorlevel 10 goto quit if errorlevel 9 goto igen if errorlevel 8 goto pgen if errorlevel 7 goto ipf if errorlevel 6 goto bs2pf if errorlevel 5 goto s2pf if errorlevel 4 goto ortw if errorlevel 3 goto bigw if errorlevel 2 goto wimv IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto m GOTO QUIT :page4 cls echo HARMONIC ANALYSIS (popLA page 4) echo ÿ echo 0. Quit echo 1. Return to Page 1 echo ÿ echo Find harmonic coefficients .HCF, completed PFs (.FUL) for: echo 2. Cubic crystal system echo 3. Hexagonal, tetragonal or orthorhombic crystal system echo ÿ echo 4. Compute SOD or COD from harmonic coefficients (slow!) echo ÿ echo 5. Recalculate pole figures .HPF echo 6. Inverse pole figures .HIP echo ÿ echo 7. List harmonic coefficients to screen or printer echo Note: To convert Aachen-format Bunge coeffs. to Kallend's binary echo Roe coeff.file .HCF: use AC2Wlmn (outside this menu) - echo Also need FAKTOR.CtW (J. Hirsch) echo ÿ echo 8. Establish coefficients for a given TRANSFORMATION echo 9. Apply TRANSFORMATION to given coefficients echo ÿ answer "Please type a number from 0 to 9 --> ",1234567890 CLS if errorlevel 10 goto quit if errorlevel 9 goto trans if errorlevel 8 goto mat if errorlevel 7 goto type if errorlevel 6 goto inv if errorlevel 5 goto rec if errorlevel 4 goto codf if errorlevel 3 goto hexan if errorlevel 2 goto cuban IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto m GOTO QUIT :page5 cls echo CONVERSIONS of SODs, HCFs, and discrete angles files (popLA page 5) echo ÿ echo 0. QUIT echo 1. RETURN to Page 1 echo ÿ echo --- ORIENTATION DENSITY FILES --- echo ÿ echo 2. Permute axes in .SOD echo 3. Make .COD from .SOD file (or .CHD from .SHD) echo 4. Make OBLIQUE sections from .SOD file: .SON,.CON, or .SHN,.CHN from .SHD echo (Note: no projections; use the one from end of .COD or .SOD) echo 5. Pare to SUBSET for display: make .SOS or .COS (or .SHS,.CHS) echo ÿ echo --- DISCRETE ORIENTATION FILES --- echo ÿ echo 6. Convert generic MILLER INDICES to any Euler angles echo 7. DIOR: Add crystal and sample symmetries, permute axes, change echo angle convention, or make DENSITY file from DISCRETE grain file echo ÿ answer "Please type a number from 0 to 7 --> ",1234567890 CLS if errorlevel 8 goto quit if errorlevel 7 goto dior if errorlevel 6 goto h2e if errorlevel 5 goto pare if errorlevel 4 goto s2nu if errorlevel 3 goto s2c if errorlevel 2 goto odp if errorlevel 1 goto m goto quit :page6 cls echo DISPLAYS AND PLOTS (popLA page 6) echo ÿ echo 0. Quit echo 1. Return to Page 1 echo ÿ echo ------ POLAR REPRESENTATION (Wenk and Kocks) --------- echo DENSITY PLOTS: echo 2. POD: colors or gray-shades on VGA echo (with possibility to capture into .PCX file or such) echo or (with less resolution) direct to hp-LASERJET or PS-file echo CONTOUR PLOTS: echo 3. OD sections from density files (Wenk program): very slow! echo 4. single PF from density file (Wenk program, slow) echo 5. single PF from density file (Kallend program, need PP.EXE or hp-plotter) echo DISCRETE ORIENTATION PLOTS: echo 6. PFs, points or contours (Tome/Wenk program) echo 7. DIORPLOT: all OD sections and projections, compatible with POD echo ÿ echo ------ SQUARE SECTIONS (Kallend): cub/hex/tetr.cry.,ort/mono samples echo 8. Colors on screen (fast, but limited options). echo 9. Contours on hp-Laserjet (needs PP.EXE) or hp-plotter echo ÿ answer "Please type a number from 0 to 9 --> ",1234567890 CLS if errorlevel 10 goto quit if errorlevel 9 goto codl if errorlevel 8 goto plt if errorlevel 7 goto diorp if errorlevel 6 goto tome if errorlevel 5 goto pfc if errorlevel 4 goto pfw if errorlevel 3 goto odc if errorlevel 2 goto pop : .... :pop1 if no printer, else pop if errorlevel 1 goto m goto quit :page7 cls echo PROPERTIES (popLA page 7) echo ÿ echo 0. Quit echo 1. Return to Page 1 echo ÿ echo 2. Assign WEIGHTS to discrete grains file from .SOD echo ÿ (Need Kocks style Euler angles in both .SOD and TEXfile - echo ÿ can convert the latter in DIOR, p.5,#7) echo ÿ echo 3. Average ELASTIC properties (Reuss, Voigt, Hill, self-consistent) echo (Program by C. Tome) Input ELTEX.DAT, ELMOD.DAT; out ELOUT?.DAT echo ÿ echo 4. SIMULATION of polycrystal PLASTICITY from weighted grains file - echo LApp code: with rate sensitivity and grain shape effects, echo for all crystal and sample symmetries (not much twinning): echo calculate current yield surface, Lankford coefficients; echo predict texture development, Taylor factors, echo stress/strain curves for all straining paths. Up to 1152 grains. echo ÿ echo SHEET prop's directly from harm. coeffs.(Kallend - cubic/ortho. only) echo **Need *.cfs, *.glm, *.v3 files in your working directory** echo 5. Yield locus section (11,22) for any angle in plane (Bishop-Hill) echo 6. Lankford coefficients (Hosford-Backofen model) echo ÿ answer "Please type a number from 0 to 6 --> ",1234560 CLS if errorlevel 7 goto quit if errorlevel 6 goto lank if errorlevel 5 goto ys if errorlevel 4 goto lapp if errorlevel 3 goto elast if errorlevel 2 goto wts if errorlevel 1 goto m goto quit :********************************************************** page 2: :theo cls echo Thin films? echo ÿ answer " Type 1 for YES --> ",120 if errorlevel 2 goto bulk if errorlevel 1 goto thin :bulk c:\x\makedfb.exe pause goto page2 :thin c:\x\tfdfbcor.exe pause goto page2 :digest dir *.raw /w echo ÿ echo Note: If your data are on a SCINTAG .RR file: use DA5READ to make .RAW echo If they are on a PHILIPS .RAW file, use UNPHIL to make our .RAW echo If they are on an Aachen pole figure file, use AC2LA to make .EPF echo If they are on a RIGAKU .PFG file: use RIG2LA to make our .RAW echo (but you must have a PWD subdirectory into which it puts it: echo compliments of RIGAKU/USA.) echo (BREAK now to do any of the above..., else RETURN) pause dir c:\x\*.dfb /w /o:n c:\unraw.exe pause goto page2 :smooth dir %1 /p /o:n c:\x\smooth.exe pause goto page2 :rot dir *.epf /w /o:n c:\x\rotate.exe pause goto page2 :tilt dir %1 /p /o:n c:\x\tilt.exe pause goto page2 :q4 dir *.QPF /w /o:n dir *.SPF /w /o:n c:\x\quad4.exe pause goto page2 :sym dir %1 /p /o:n c:\x\sym.exe pause goto page2 :diff c:\x\diff.exe pause goto page6 :********************************************************** page 3: :s2pf dir c:\x\*.wim /w /o:n echo ÿ echo ÿ dir *.sod /w /o:n c:\x\sod2pf.exe pause goto page3 :bs2pf dir *.sod /w /o:n dir c:\x\*.bwm /w /o:n dir c:\x\*.wm3 /w /o:n echo ÿ echo Use .BWM or 386 version? echo ÿ answer "Please type 3 or 4 --> ",12340 cls if errorlevel 5 goto page3 if errorlevel 4 goto opf if errorlevel 3 goto bpf IF ERRORLEVEL 2 goto page3 if errorlevel 1 goto page3 goto page3 :bpf c:\x\bsod2pf.exe pause goto page3 :opf c:\x\osod2pf.exe pause goto page3 :pgen cls echo ÿ echo 2. up to 3 PFs, 13 poles, tetrag.crystal sym.,sample diad: make .WIM echo 3. up to 7 PFs, 25 poles, trig. crystal symmetry: make .BWM echo 4. for 386 version: make .WM3 (7/25/ortho/triclinic) echo ÿ answer "Please type 2, 3, or 4 --> ",12340 cls if errorlevel 5 goto page3 if errorlevel 4 goto ogen if errorlevel 3 goto bgen IF ERRORLEVEL 2 goto wgen if errorlevel 1 goto page3 goto page3 :wgen c:\x\wimvgen.exe pause goto page3 :bgen c:\x\bwimvgen.exe pause goto page3 :ogen c:\x\wgen386.exe pause goto page3 :igen c:\x\invgen.exe pause goto page3 :wimv dir c:\x\*.wim /w /o:n c:\x\wimv.exe pause goto page3 :bigw dir c:\*.bwm /w c:\bwimv pause goto page3 :ortw rem dir c:\x\*.bwm rem above for old version, below for 386 dir c:\x\*.wm3 /w /o:n c:\x\owimv.exe pause goto page3 :ipf d c:\x\*.wmi dir *.sod /p /o:n c:\x\sod2inv.exe pause goto page3 :********************************************************** page 4: :codf dir *.HCF /w /o:n c:\x\codf.exe pause goto page4 :cuban c:\x\cuban2.exe pause goto page4 :hexan c:\x\hexan2.exe pause goto page4 :inv dir *.HCF /w /o:n c:\x\invfig.exe pause goto page4 :rec dir *.HCF /w /o:n c:\x\recon.exe pause goto page4 :type dir *.HCF /w /o:n c:\x\typew.exe pause goto page4 :********************************************************** page 5: :odp cls echo ÿ echo PRINT THIS PAGE AND THEN FOLLOW DIRECTIONS echo ÿ echo We do not have a direct way to do this yet, but either of the following work: echo ÿ echo 1) Use the .WPF file you already have echo (if it isn't a full pole figure, first EXPAND: p2#7 to .FPF); echo ROTATE it (p2#4) 90 degs. around the center, or echo TILT it (p2#5) 90 degs. around the right axis echo (if you want to tilt around top axis, ROTATE 90 degs. before TILT); echo then re-run WIMV on the resulting .RPF or .TPF file. --- OR: echo ÿ echo 2) Make a WEIGHTS file (p7#2), using a large number of grains. echo (However, if output >= 1152, you'd have to increase dimensions in DIOR.) echo Use DIOR (p5#7) with this file as input, and the symmetry files echo actually applicable to the SOD (e.g., cub.sym and ort.sym). echo Pick the axes permutation you want (need not be right-handed). echo Pick SOD, 19 quadrants to 90 deg. for cubic cry./ortho.sample, echo 37 quadrants to 180 deg. for cubic cry./mono.sample, echo 37 semis to 180 deg. for at least ortho./ortho. echo (lower symmetries won't work this way). echo Ask for density file, 5 x 5 degs., defaults. echo Look at it (dspecnam): should have same format as original SOD, echo but with different IPERs in line 2. Done. echo ÿ pause goto page5 :s2c dir %1.SOD /w /o:n dir *.SHD /w /o:n c:\x\sod2cod.exe pause goto page5 :s2nu dir %1.sod /w /o:n dir *.SHD /w /o:n c:\x\sod2nu.exe pause goto page5 :pare dir %1.* /p /o:n c:\x\pare.exe pause goto page5 :dior dir c:\x\*.sym /w /o:n c:\x\dior.exe pause goto m :diorp dir c:\x\*.sym /w /o:n c:\x\diorplot.exe pause goto m :mat c:\x\matran.exe pause goto page4 :trans c:\x\trans.exe pause goto m :h2e dir \x\*.sym /w /o:n c:\x\hkl2eul.exe pause goto page5 :********************************************************** page 6: :pop echo Do you wish to (first time around) echo 1. install program to PrintScreen to .PCX or .TIF file? (Need to restart) echo 2. download POPFONTs for Laserjet II (or higher) ? echo ÿ answer "type one number, or 0 for NO :==> ",120 CLS if errorlevel 3 goto pop1 if errorlevel 2 goto lp2 if errorlevel 1 goto pcx goto pop :pcx echo *** Install a call to your own screen-to-.PCX (or .TIF) dump program echo in POPLA.BAT line 550 pause rem pcx :that's our's, in P.BAT - rem out for distributed version POPLA goto pop1 :lp2 echo on copy /b c:\x\popfont?.hp prn @echo off beep :pop1 c:\pod.exe pause dir pod?.hp echo ÿ echo If you wish to print POD?.HP, type the number for "?", or echo type a "*" to print all pod files, or type "0" for menu echo ÿ answer "MAKE SURE PRINTER IS READY if you need it. THEN: ?=",1234567890* if errorlevel 11 print pod?.hp if errorlevel 10 goto page6 if errorlevel 9 print pod9.hp if errorlevel 8 print pod8.hp if errorlevel 7 print pod7.hp if errorlevel 6 print pod6.hp if errorlevel 5 print pod5.hp if errorlevel 4 print pod4.hp if errorlevel 3 print pod3.hp if errorlevel 2 print pod2.hp if errorlevel 1 print pod1.hp echo DO NOT USE ANY BACKGROUND while printing (such as EM) pause goto page6 :odc c:\x\odcont.exe pause goto page6 :pfw c:\x\pfcont.exe pause goto page6 :pfc c:\x\contpol.exe @if errorlevel 1 goto return6 c:\pp\pp goto page6 :tome c:\x\pfpoint.exe pause goto m :codl c:\x\contodf.exe @if errorlevel 1 goto return6 c:\pp\pp goto page6 :plt c:\x\codplt.exe goto page6 :return6 pause goto page6 :gr cd\gr dir *.dat /w /o:n echo The file you want to plot must be in this directory as file.DAT pause grapher goto end :********************************************************** page 7: :wts cls dir *.sod /w /o:n dir *.SHD /w /o:n echo ÿ echo ******************************************************************* echo For discrete grains files, use the following (in c:\x): echo ÿ echo filename min.cry.sym min.sam.sym use #grains: echo -------- ----------- ----------- ----------- echo texRAN any any any(1000) echo texRAN.WTS tetragonal Z-diad all(1000) echo texISO.wts tetragonal any/Z-diad/ortho. 1024/512/256 echo texCUB.wts cubic any/Z-diad/ortho. 3072/1536/768 echo ...here, average triplets, so final # is 1024/512/256 echo texREG.wts tetragonal diad on Z or Y 3456 (/3=1152 for cubic) echo orthotropic 1728 (/3=576 for cubic) echo fiber which stays 192 (/3=64 for cubic) echo ******************************************************************* echo ÿ c:\x\weights.exe echo For grain-shape effect, you must manually adjust F in .WTS file! echo (Also, you may wish to record vol.fraction discarded in 1st line.) pause goto m :lapp cd\lapp dir echo **************************************************************** echo You need at least a 386 with 4MB RAM, and NO MEMORY MANAGER installed! echo Then: echo Copy desired files into SXIN, BCIN, PROPIN, and TEXIN (spec.WTS) echo Run LApp echo After run, LAPP.DAT contains plottable output (e.g., for GRAPHER) goto end :elast cls dir eltex.dat /w /o:n echo ÿ echo Need input file EXTEX.DAT (in standard popLA format). echo If not present, break and rename from: dir *.WTS /w /o:n pause c:\x\elpoly.exe pause goto page7 :lank dir *.HCF /w /o:n c:\x\lank.exe :return7 pause goto page7 :ys dir *.HCF /w /o:n c:\x\yplot.exe @if errorlevel 1 goto return7 c:\util\lp goto page7 :other echo ** Not yet implemented ** pause goto m :quit cls ÿ d %1 echo ÿ echo If the directories were too long, say "popLA specname" next time echo **************************************************************** dir pod?.hp echo ÿ echo Please delete unnecessary intermediate files now... :end echo ÿ