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Neutron and Proton Science at LANSCE

Serving an international user community in support of civilian and national security research

LANSCE Capabilities

For more than 50 years the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) has provided the scientific underpinnings in nuclear physics and material science needed to ensure the safety and surety of the nuclear stockpile into the future. In addition to national security research, the LANSCE User Facility has a vibrant research program in fundamental science, providing the scientific community with intense sources of neutrons and protons to perform experiments supporting civilian research and the production of medical and research isotopes.

The LANSCE User Program plays a key role in training the next generation of top scientists and in attracting the best graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and early-career scientists. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)—the principal sponsor of LANSCE—works with the Office of Science and the Office of Nuclear Energy, which have synergistic long-term needs for the linear accelerator and the neutron science that is the heart of LANSCE.


We would like to update the community regarding the recent passage of the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which has been signed into law. Effective April 15, 2025, this legislation will impose restrictions on onsite and cyber access to non-public facilities at national security laboratories for researchers who are currently citizens of China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. Los Alamos National Laboratory will therefore be rescinding physical and cyber access for any previously approved citizens of these countries whose authorization extends beyond April 14, 2025. It is important to clarify that these provisions do not affect U.S. Citizens (including dual citizens) or Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR) from these four countries.

The LANSCE User Facilities will accept user proposal submissions that include researchers (but not the whole team) with citizenships from the aforementioned countries. However, in accordance with the NDAA, we must emphasize that we cannot accommodate any members of your research team onsite or requesting cyber access that hold citizenship from these countries. We are committed to collaborating with you on your proposal to the extent possible. Thank you for your understanding.








2025 Radiation Effects and Nuclear Science proposal calls.
Please be sure to read the important NDAA communication at left, or click here.