WNR User Program
Weapons Neutron Research (WNR) User Program Proposal Process
Those interested in obtaining beam time for experiments at one of the LANSCE neutron sources should follow the proposal process. Calls for proposals to all potential users are made yearly. The proposal consists of information about the research team, amount of beam time requested and a description of the proposed experiment. Urgent post-proposal-call beam requests may be addressed through a "Fast Access" proposal process if necessary. Please contact the LANSCE User Office for more information and help with your proposal. If you are a first time facility user, we encourage you to contact a flight path scientist to discuss your planned work to help ensure that the most appropriate flight path is chosen. A list of flight path scientists is given under contacts.
Every activity on any flight path requires a proposal. Proposals are submitted using a web interface. To submit a proposal for a flight path operated by the Neutron and Nuclear Science group. All proposals are reviewed for scientific merit by the Program Advisory Committee (PAC). In the case of proprietary proposals, such as the case for Industry, users pay for beam time and no scientific merit review is conducted.
The PAC is divided into three subcommittees: Basic Science, Nuclear Technology and Defense-related research. The goal of these committees is to select those experiments that are thought to be the most important in a particular field, will have the greatest impact in the particular area of research and have the greatest chance for success. The PAC rates the proposals and these ratings are used as input to the scheduling process. Users are given an opportunity to present their proposal either in person or by telephone before the committee and to answer questions.
If a proposal is rated highly, it will be scheduled for beam time. Before the experiment is actually run, it must undergo a Safety and Technical review. If the experiment is "routine" in the sense that it is very similar to experiments that have been done before and does not have any significant safety or compliance issues, it will be approved for beam time. If there are safety, compliance, security or other concerns, the experiment will be reviewed in more depth by a committee of subject matter experts. The result of the safety review may be additional requirements, procedures and documentation.
If you have any questions please contact the WNR User Office.